The Wicked Always Despise the Godly

'The wicked hate the godly; there is enmity between the seed of the woman and the serpent Gen. 3:15. As in nature there is an antipathy between the vine and the bay tree, the elephant and the dragon. Vultures have an antipathy against sweet smells: so in the wicked there is an antipathy against the people of God; they hate the sweet perfumes of their graces. It is true the saints have their infirmities; but the wicked do not hate them for these, but for their holiness; and from this hatred ariseth open violence: the thief hates the light, therefore would blow it out.’
Thomas Watson

1 comment:

  1. Ardena Armijo3/04/2011

    This is so true! As "extreme" as this may sound to unbelievers (and belivers alike), Jesus said that if we are not for Him we are against Him.
