Lay Hold of Christ

By L. C. Bryan
 Laying down our sins at His feet
 Aiming for Christ's higher calling
 Yielding to whatever He wills us to do.
 Honoring His holy name all life long
 Over all things God's word is truth
 Leaving all the world's lusts behind
 Delighting always in God's glory and power.
 Offering up praise to the Holy One
 Forever laying aside wanton pleasures.
 Chosen from the beginning of time
 His word we are to spread throughout the world
 Rejoicing through all adversity in Him who concord death
 Irresistible grace while still dead in sin
 Sustained by the blood of the Lamb
 Taking all our sins to the cross.


  1. Ardena Armijo3/04/2011

    How wonderful - I love acrostics. You're such a creative writer. I like "Delighting always in God's glory and power".

  2. I wont say how long it took me to create it! But I'm glad you liked it. Acrostics are fun!
