God's Work On The Human Soul...

Many today in the Christian Church have fallen into the world's destructive and distorted view of Easter or Resurrection Sunday. People look at little pastel colored candies, egg hunts, and cute little bunnies and chicks instead of the history of the amazing grace of God. From Christ's birth on earth to His ministry on earth, then His humiliating death on the cross, resurrection from the dead, and then Christ's ascension to heaven!
What could be more amazing and wonderful than that?
God incarnate - The One who created the earth became a human, Mortal just to suffer and die for our sins! 
How wondrous is His love for us that He'd died so we should live! And not only that but that He arose victorious from the grave! Hallelujah! 

Christ is Risen! 

 The Condescending Grace of Christ
Matt. 20:28
By Phillip Doddridge

'Saviour of men, and Lord of love,
How sweet thy gracious name!
With joy that errand we review
On which thy mercy came.

While all thy own angelic bans
Soot waiting on the wing,
Charm'd with the honour to obey
Their great eternal King;

For us, mean, wretched, sinful men,
Thou laid'st that glory by;-
First, in our mortal flesh, tho serve;
Then, in that flesh, to die.

Bought with thy service and thy blood,
We doubly, Lord, are thine;
To thee our lives we would devote,
To thee our death resign.'

Here are some songs that I hope will encourage you in your walk with Christ or if you have yet to put your faith in Christ may these songs point you to the only One who can give you peace and hope.

~Behold the Man~
John 19:5
By Charles Wesley

'Ye that pass by, be hold the man;
The man of grief condemn'd for you,
The Lamb of God for sinners slain!-
Weeping to Calvary pursue.

His sacred limbs they stretch, they tear,
With nails they fasten to the wood-
His sacred limbs-expos'd and bare,
Or only cover'd with his blood.

See there! his temples crown'd with thorns,
His bleeding hands extended wide,
His streaming feet transfix'd and torn,
The fountain gushing from his side.

Thou dear, thou suffering Son of God,
How doeth thy heart to sinners move!
Sprinkle on us they precious blood,
and melt us with thy dying love.

The earth could to her centre quake,
Convuls'd, when her Creator died;
Oh, may our inmost nature shake,
And bow with Jesus crucified!

At thy last gasp, the graves display'd 
Their horrors to the upper skies;
O that our souls might burst the shade,
And , quicken'd by thy death, arise!

The rocks could feel thy powerful death,
And tremble, and asunder part;
Oh, rend, with thy expiring breath,
The harder marble of our heart!'

The Redeemer's Message
Luke 4:18-19
Phillip Doddridge

'Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes,
The saviour promis'd long!
Let every heart prepare a throne,
And every voice a song.

On him, the Spirit, largely pour'd,
Exerts his sacred fire;
Wisdom and might, and zeal and love,
His holy breast inspire.

He comes, the prisoners to release,
In Satan's bondage held;
The gates of brass before him burst,
The iron fetters yield.

He comes, from thickest films of vice
To clear the mental ray;
And, on the eyes oppress'd with night,
To pour celestial day.

He comes, the broken heart to bind,
The bleeding soul to cure;
And, with the treasures of his grace,
T' enrich the humble poor.

Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace,
Thy welcome shall proclaim;
And heaven's eternal arches ring
With thy beloved name.'

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