Hallelujah Chorus in a Food Court?

I saw this right before Christmas time but never had a chance to post it. It is wonderful to hear the Scriptures sung like that. It is very well done and hope you all enjoy it!


  1. Love it! Keep posting interesting stuff like this.

  2. I say this right before Christmas too. I thought it was really a lot of fun, and i have seen it on many other blogs so I would say a lot of other people likied it too.

  3. I hope to have photos of last years changes to the farm posted either this week or by Monday of next week.
    Also I hope to have a few more quotes and few sermons that I have read recently.
    I'm glad everyone is enjoying the latest posts! There's more to come!!

  4. Oh, yes, I've seen this video. There's another one that I saw... but I won't say anything other than it had great acoustics and it sounded almost... heavenly. I'll make sure I post it up on my blog so you can see it.

